IDEAS+: Fourth post-digital communication challenge: from designing content to designing experiences

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Nobody paid anyone for any campaign. Nor was there any press release. There were no organizations behind it. Not even a well-known “influencer.” There was only an everyday client that shared a bad experience on Facebook about how something was dealt with at a local branch of a bank. A normal person who, to their own surprise, shared their video with over a million people in a matter of hours. His name was Noel and his story was as true as it was revealing  (Verne, 2016).





We accept, as on numerous other occasions, that any point of contact with a brand can become a positive or negative communication, with an unforeseeable reach. We know this because the media to achieve this are available to the whole world through the digital media and devices.

This is the hyper-transparent environment in which we live. It is no longer a surprise to anyone. So, why do we continue to try and control the media? Why do we spend nearly all available resources to control channels? Wouldn’t it make more sense to exert more energy on the sources? Shouldn’t we work harder on the experiences that cause this communication?

How to link your interest groups to the brand’s contact points.

As never before, the reputation and positioning of brands depends on experiences shared by people on their social media. To approach this in an efficient manner is one of the five great challenges of post-digital communication.

In this article you will see how to deal with the rollout of a narrative aimed at converting people into promoters of a brand within their interest groups.



Iván Pino